Summary: Once upon a time...Discover the magic of the popular fairy tale in this wonderful brain teaser for preschoolers. Can you help Little Red Riding Hood find the right path to her Grandma's house? Place Little Red Riding Hood, the house, and the trees on the game board and use the puzzle pieces to make a path to Grandma's house. Then you can play the game with the Wolf! But beware, he might get...
Format: three dimensional object
Publisher / Publication Date: Smart Toys and Games Inc. 2015
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Summary: "Explore the many fun ways that people get around with a super-simple puzzle kids will love to complete! Plus, as children play, they improve spatial awareness, develop motor skills and build logical thinking skills along the way. High-quality wooden puzzle features 5 chunky pieces and has safe, rounded corners." --
Format: three dimensional object
Publisher / Publication Date: Lakeshore Learning Materials 2000
Copies Available at East Bay
1 available in Juvenile Cares Kits, Call number: CARES KIT 6Summary: As a montessori toy helps children develop eye and hand coordination, fine motor skills, creativity, imagination, curiosity and discovery skills. Develop problem-solving skills and learn to think logically. Magnetic puzzle toys combines elements of letter learning and children’s games. Some parking spaces in the parking lot are marked with different letters, and children need to park their cars...
Format: three dimensional object
Publisher / Publication Date: 2023
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Place a hold to request this item.Format: three dimensional object
Publisher / Publication Date: Fat Brain Toys 2000
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Place a hold to request this item.Summary: Piece together the 48-piece cardboard jigsaw floor puzzle in bright light, then discover hidden glow-in-the-dark pictures when the lights go out.
Format: three dimensional object
Publisher / Publication Date: Melissa and Doug 2023
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in STEM Kits, Call number: J STEM KIT 291Manning, Matthew K.
Summary: "In 1795, a mysterious human-made pit was discovered on Oak Island. People began digging into the pit to discover its secrets, but it was flooded by seawater and could no longer be explored. Since then, many theories have been suggested about both the pit and the island. Is the island secretly hiding pirate treasure, valuable artifacts from the Knights Templar, or even lost manuscripts by...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Capstone Press, an imprint of Capstone 2023