Summary: After a short discussion of why chemical bonding occurs, this program explains how electrons are shared in covalent compounds. Viewers learn about the VSEPR theory, the two types of weak forces of attraction between molecules, dipole interactions and dispersion forces, and covalent network solids such as diamond, graphite, and fullerenes. With the assistance of animated graphics, the video...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2010
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Summary: Beginning with an overview of how and why chemical bonding occurs, this program explains ionic bonding, describing the common properties of ionic compounds, the Lewis theory, electronegativity, the Pauling scale, ionization energy, and the importance of the valence shell. Using animated graphics throughout, the video also gives relevant information about the periodic table and how specific...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2010