Summary: A good way to introduce quantum theory is to profile the individuals who pioneered it. This program focuses on Niels Bohr's contributions to our understanding of the atom and the behavior of subatomic particles according to quantum mechanics. Outlining theoretical precursors of quantum physics-including the ideas of John Dalton and J. J. Thomson-and a brief biography of Bohr, the video shows...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2009
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Summary: An elephant and a racing car don't have much in common-except for the remarkable fact that they're made of similar fundamental building blocks. This program takes a simulated subatomic look at a glass of water to better understand the nature of matter, a minuscule world of molecules, atoms, and elementary particles. The behavior of matter under the effects of gravity, electromagnetism, and the...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2009