Summary: Riveting real-life television, Intervention explores the lives of people dependent on drugs, alcohol, or other destructive behaviors and the people who intervene to save them. Anthony had worked in his family business since he was a child. He excelled at sports and was recruited by colleges. However, his sister died from a heroin overdose, which affected his mother’s emotional health. Anthony...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2006
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Summary: The pleasure of a cocaine high doesn’t last long, but the damage cocaine causes can last a lifetime. This video explores the history of cocaine; the effects of cocaine and crack on the body and the short- and long-term health impacts; and teenage attitudes toward cocaine and crack. The video also delves into the illicit cocaine trade and the South American cartels that control it, as well as...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2009