Lane, Nick.
Summary: "Today, mitochondria are central to research into human prehistory, genetic diseases, cell suicide, fertility, ageing, bioenergetics, sex, and the eukaryotic cell. Piecing together puzzles from the forefront of research, this book paints a sweeping canvas that will thrill all who are interested in biology, while also contributing to evolutionary thinking and debate. This is a book full of...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Oxford University Press 2005
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Adult Non-fiction, Call number: 571.657 LANFitzpatrick, Colleen.
Summary: "The genetic trail an ancestor leaves behind is every bit as important as his paper trail. Though Y-chromosome and mitochondrial DNA testing, the modern genealogist has a powerful new tool for researching his roots" -- back cover.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Rice Book Press 2005