Shinkai, Makoto
Summary: "Mitsuha, a high school girl living in a rural town deep in the mountains, has a dream that she is a boy living an unfamiliar life in Tokyo. Taki, a high school boy living in Tokyo, dreams that he is a girl living in the mountains. As they realize they are changing places, their encounter sets the cogs of fate into motion."--
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Yen On 2017
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1 available in Young Adult Fiction, Call number: YA FIC SHIStiefvater, Maggie
Summary: Niall and Mór escaped their homeland for a new start, and lost themselves in what they found. Declan has grown up as the responsible son, the responsible brother--only to find there is no way for him to keep his family safe. Ronan has always lived on the edge between dreams and waking... but now that edge is gone, and he is falling. Matthew has been the happy child, the brightest beam. But...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Scholastic Press, an imprint of Scholastic Inc. 2022
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1 available in Young Adult Fiction, Call number: YA FIC STIStine, R. L.
Summary: "Richard Hsieh's dad studies dreams, and one day, they decide to hook Richard's new Slappy doll up to the dream machine as a joke. All of a sudden, Richard starts having nightmares of Slappy, coming to life and wreaking havoc. But they're only dreams, right? Except, when his cousin Willow comes to visit, she also dreams of Slappy. It's impossible! But when Slappy threatens to invade more kids'...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Scholastic Inc. 2022
Copies Available at Kingsley
1 available in Juvenile Fiction, Call number: J FIC STIStiefvater, Maggie
Summary: All her life, Blue has been warned that she will cause her true love's death. She doesn't believe in true love and never thought this would be a problem, but as her life becomes caught up in the strange and sinister world of the Raven Boys, she's not so sure anymore.
Format: sound recording-nonmusical
Publisher / Publication Date: Scholastic Audiobooks 2016
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Compact Disc Audio Book, Call number: CD FIC STIJemisin, N. K.
Summary: In a city where Gatherers harvest the magic of the sleeping mind and use it to judge the corrupt, Ehiru, the most famous of the city's Gatherers, learns that he must protect the woman he was sent to kill or watch the city be devoured by forbidden magic.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Orbit 2012
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1 available in Adult Fiction, Call number: FIC JEMStiefvater, Maggie
Summary: "Something is happening to the source of the dreamers' power. It is blocked. Diminished. Weak. If it goes away entirely, what will happen to the dreamers and those who depend on them? Ronan Lynch isn't planning to wait and find out. Backed by his mentor, Bryde, he is ready to do what needs to be done to save the dreamers and the dreamed ... even if it takes him far from his family and the boy...
Format: sound recording-nonmusical
Publisher / Publication Date: 2021
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1 available in Playaway, Call number: PA FIC STIMarrero, Letisha
Summary: "Thirteen-year-old Maya Beatriz Montenegro Calderon has vivid recurring dreams where she hears the ocean calling her. Mami's side of the family is known as "Los Locos," so maybe she actually is going crazy. But no time for that; the family business is where it's at. Whenever Maya, her sister Salma, and her three cousins, Ini, Mini, and Mo, aren't at school, you can usually find three...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Levine Querido 2023
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1 available in Juvenile Fiction, Call number: J FIC MARDekker, Ted
Summary: What if you could find a way to enter another reality full of wild and life changing adventure? And what if every time you fell asleep you woke up in that other reality? Welcome to the world of Theo Dunnery, a twelve year-old boy who feels alone and full of fear when he stumbles on an ancient book that draws him into another world. In that world, he learns he must complete a quest to find the...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: 2018
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Place a hold to request this item.Dekker, Ted
Summary: What if you could find a way to enter another reality full of wild and life changing adventure? And what if every time you fell asleep you woke up in that other reality? Welcome to the world of Theo Dunnery, a twelve year-old boy who feels alone and full of fear when he stumbles on an ancient book that draws him into another world. In that world, he learns he must complete a quest to find the...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: 2018
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Place a hold to request this item.Merberg, Julie.
Summary: Set against the backdrop of well-known works by the artist Henri Rousseau, rhyming text reveals a dream of the jungle and its inhabitants.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Chronicle Books 2007
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1 available in Board Books, Call number: JE MERDekker, Ted
Summary: What if you could find a way to enter another reality full of wild and life changing adventure? And what if every time you fell asleep you woke up in that other reality? Welcome to the world of Theo Dunnery, a twelve year-old boy who feels alone and full of fear when he stumbles on an ancient book that draws him into another world. In that world, he learns he must complete a quest to find the...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: 2018
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Place a hold to request this item.Child, Brenda J.
Summary: "When Uncle and Windy Girl attend a powwow, Windy watches the dancers and listens to the singers. She eats tasty food and joins family and friends around the campfire. Later, Windy falls asleep under the stars. Uncle's stories inspire visions in her head: a bowwow powwow, where all the dancers are dogs. In these magical scenes, Windy sees veterans in a Grand Entry, and a visiting drum group,...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Minnesota Historical Society Press 2018
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1 available in Juvenile Easy, Call number: JE CHIPlatt, Christine A.
Summary: For Black History Month, Ana & Andrew join a research group at the Community Center. They learn many interesting things about Martin Luther King Jr.! Later, with the help of some other children, they make one of Martin's famous dreams come true.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Calico Kid, an imprint of Magic Wagon 2021
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Place a hold to request this item.Huerta, Lizz
Summary: "Indir is a Dreamer, descended from a long line of seers; able to see beyond reality, she carries the rare gift of Dreaming truth. But when the beloved king dies, his son has no respect for this time-honored tradition. King Alcan wants an opportunity to bring the Dreamers to a permanent end--an opportunity Indir will give him if he discovers the two secrets she is struggling to keep. As violent...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Farrar Straus Giroux Books for Young Readers 2022
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1 available in Young Adult Fiction, Call number: YA FIC HUEBray, Libba.
Summary: "After a supernatural showdown with a serial killer, Evie O'Neill has outed herself as a Diviner and has become a media darling. In the meantime, a mysterious sleeping sickness has hit New York City, and the Diviners must band together to find the cause and the cure"--
Format: sound recording-nonmusical
Publisher / Publication Date: Listening Library 2015
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Compact Disc Audio Book, Call number: CD FIC BRAQuick, Amanda
Summary: Being Madame Ariadne, Psychic Dream Consultant, wasn't Prudence Ryland's ideal gig, but it paid well which was reason enough to do the work--until she realizes that her latest client intends to kill her. But Prudence, a master at reinvention, finds a new job and home as far away as possible and is finally able to relax--which turns out to be a big mistake. Letting her guard down means being...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Berkley 2023
Copies Available at Peninsula
1 available in Adult, Call number: FIC QUICopies Available at East Bay
1 available in Adult Fiction, Call number: FIC QUICopies Available at Kingsley
1 available in Adult Fiction, Call number: FIC QUICopies Available at Fife Lake
1 available in Adult Fiction, Call number: FIC QUICopies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Adult Fiction, Call number: FIC QUIMcQuestion, Karen
Summary: "Joe Arneson's ordinary life is upended by troubling dreams of himself as a different man in another place and time. It isn't until he visits his estranged grandmother, Pearl, in her Wisconsin hometown that a startling connection emerges. Drawn into his family's past, Joe discovers secrets weighing on the old woman's soul: the tragic death of her sister Alice a half century ago and its ripple...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Lake Union Publishing 2020
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1 available in Adult, Call number: FIC MCQSilver, Josie
Summary: "Lydia and Freddie had been together for more than a decade, and Lydia thought their love was indestructible. When Freddie dies in a car accident, Lydia wants to hide indoors and sob until her eyes fall out. Knowing Freddie would want her to try to live fully, happily, even without him, she enlists his best friend, Jonas, and her sister, Elle, to help her re-open to life. But when she is given...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Ballantine Books, an imprint of Random House 2020
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1 available in Adult Fiction, Call number: FIC SILLippman, Laura
Summary: Injured in a freak accident, novelist Gerry Andersen lies in a hospital bed in his glamorous but sterile apartment, isolated from the busy world he can see through his windows. He is utterly dependent on two women he barely knows: his young assistant and a night nurse whose competency he questions. As he moves in and out of dreamlike memories and seemingly random appearances of a persistent...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Harper Large Print, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers 2021
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1 available in Large Print, Call number: LP FIC LIPWalker, Karen Thompson
Summary: "One night in an isolated college town in the hills of Southern California, a first-year student stumbles into her dorm room, falls asleep--and doesn't wake up. She sleeps through the morning, into the evening. Her roommate, Mei, cannot rouse her. Neither can the paramedics, nor the perplexed doctors at the hospital. When a second girl falls asleep, and then a third, Mei finds herself thrust...
Format: sound recording-nonmusical
Publisher / Publication Date: 2019
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Compact Disc Audio Book, Call number: CD FIC WALGaiman, Neil
Summary: Enter the Dreaming again as the blockbuster audio adaptation of "the greatest epic in the history of comic books" continues. James McAvoy returns to voice Morpheus, the Lord of Dreams, in this sequel to the #1 New York Times audio bestseller. Journey into a world of myths, imagination, and terror based on the best-selling DC comic books and graphic novels written by Neil Gaiman (returning as...
Format: sound recording-nonmusical
Publisher / Publication Date: 2022
Copies Available at East Bay
1 available in Playaway, Call number: PA FIC GAIDekker, Ted
Summary: "For two realities time is running out. In one world, a lethal virus threatens to destroy all life as scientists and governments scramble to find an antidote. In the other, a forbidden love could forever destroy the ragtag resistance known as 'The Circle'."--Back cover
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Thomas Nelson 2004
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Place a hold to request this item.Lippman, Laura
Summary: Injured in a freak fall, novelist Gerry Andersen is confined to a hospital bed in his apartment, dependent on two women he barely knows: his incurious young assistant, and a dull, slow-witted night nurse. Then late one night, the phone rings. The caller claims to be the "real" Aubrey, the alluring title character from his most successful novel. Could the caller be one of his three ex-wives...
Format: sound recording-nonmusical
Publisher / Publication Date: 2021
Copies Available at Woodmere
2 available in Compact Disc Audio Book, Call number: CD FIC LIPDeveraux, Jude
Summary: In the early days of the pandemic, Etta is stranded in Kansas City and takes refuge with an old man in need of a caretaker. She finds his library and begins having vivid dreams of the city in the 1870s.
Format: sound recording-nonmusical
Publisher / Publication Date: 2023