Summary: High school students Richie Cunningham and his friends, "Potsie", Ralph, and "The Fonz" head a brilliant comedic cast in 1950's Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Arnold's Drive-In is the local hangout and meeting place, and lots of hilarious, memorable and classic adventures are the results.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Paramount 2004
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Place a hold to request this item.Summary: Eccentricity defines daily life in Rome, Wisconsin, where the Tin Man from "The wizard of Oz" is murdered, a student brings a severed hand to school for show-and-tell, and a woman runs over her husband with a steam roller pleading "not guilty by reason of menopause." Sheriff Jimmy Brock has seen it all. Indeed, behind the tidy picket fences of this quirky little town lie all the same problems...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2007