Coben, Harlan
Summary: Suburban New Jersey Detective Napoleon "Nap" Dumas hasn't been the same since senior year of high school, when his twin brother Leo and Leo's girlfriend Diana were found dead on the railroad tracks -- and Maura, the girl Nap considered the love of his life, broke up with him and disappeared without explanation. For fifteen years, Nap has been searching, both for Maura and for the real reason...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: 2017
Copies Available at Interlochen
1 available in Large Print, Call number: LP Fiction CobenLi, Jessica
Summary: High school students Stella, Ed, Ingrid and Harry navigate life, exploring issues of sexuality, drug and alcohol use, identity, and consent. Flunk is a critically acclaimed LGBT teen drama following shy sixteen year old Ingrid, as she starts to explore her sexuality. Falling for her best friend Stella, Ingrid struggles to navigate her first relationship, the pressures of a country high school...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2024