
Summary: A drama based on notorious real-life events, Cristian Mungiu mounts a complex inquiry into faith, fanaticism, and indifference. At a desolate Romanian monastery, a young novice nun, Voichita, reunites with her former companion Alina, who plans to take her to Germany. But Voichita proves unwilling to abandon her calling, and Alina becomes increasingly desperate to reclaim her devotion, putting...

Format: moving image

Publisher / Publication Date: 2018

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Quinlan, Skye

Summary: Two rival drag kings competing for a crown might just win each other's hearts. When eighteen-year-old Briar Vincent's mental health takes a turn for the worst, her parents send her to spend the summer in New York City with her older brother, Beau, also known as the drag queen Bow Regard. Backstage at the gay bar where Beau performs, Briar just wants to be a fly on the wall, but she can't stand...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Page Street YA 2024

Copies Available at Woodmere

1 available in Young Adult Fiction, Call number: YA FIC QUI

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