Summary: In a food-obsessed world, best-selling author Anthony Bourdain stands apart as the consummate culinary adventurer. The globe-trotting hedonist known as the "gastronomic Indiana Jones" scrupulously explores a locale's cuisine like no other TV traveler. In Season three, he nibbles caviar and goes clubbing in Moscow, samples the finest Thai Town noodles in Los Angeles, investigates rumors of...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Image Entertainment 2008
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in NEW Digital Video Disc, Call number: DVD E-TV ANTCaminos Oría, Josephine
Summary: If food is the universal language of love, sobremesa is the romance. Gather around the table with C-level career woman turned foodpreneur, Josephine Caminos Oría, as she cooks up a magical tale, told morsel by morsel, of some of her most memorable tableside chats—sobremesas—that provided the first-generation Argentine-American the courage to leave the safe life she knew and start over from...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Scribe Publishing Company 2021
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Adult Non-fiction, Call number: 641.5982 CAMSummary: Travel to the far reaches of the globe with best-selling author and self-proclaimed hedonist Anthony Bourdain, the Indiana Jones of world cuisine. Join Anthony as he experiences the rich cultures of the people he meets in his travels and samples their many gastronomic delights. Sweden: While sampling popular Swedish delicacies like lingonberry sorbet and lobster with butter and sugar, Anthony...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Image Entertainment 2008