Summary: Clarence and Rell, cousins who live in the city but are far from streetwise. When Rell's beloved kitten, Keanu, is catnapped, the hopelessly straight-laced pair must impersonate ruthless killers in order to infiltrate a street gang and retrieve the purloined feline. But the incredibly adorable kitten becomes so coveted that the fight over his custody creates a gang war, forcing our two...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2016
Copies Available at Woodmere
2 available in Comedy DVDs, Call number: DVD COMEDY KEASummary: Meow! The Kitten Catastrophe Crew is taking over! Mayor Humdinger and the feline troublemakers are causing all kinds of mayhem in Adventure Bay. First, the pups must clean up the kittens₂ mess to win the Spotless Town Award. Then Farmer Al₂s sheep run away and the kittens go missing! Finally, join the pups as they save the cat show and so much more!
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Nickelodeon / Paramount 2021