
Summary: "Curated by New York Times bestselling author Tod Goldberg, this collection of twelve delightful and twisted Hanukkah capers will entertain you through all eight nights of the Festival of Lights. This captivating collection, which features bestselling and award-winning authors, contains laughs aplenty, the most hardboiled of Hanukkah noir, and poignant reminders of the meaning of the Festival...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Soho Crime

Copies Available at Woodmere

1 available in New Fiction, Call number: FIC EIG

Marshall, Linda Elovitz

Summary: Danielito's dreidel leads his new friends' Mexican tops called trompos on a spinning adventure through the neighborhood.

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Kar-Ben Publishing 2023

Copies Available at Woodmere

1 available in Juvenile Holidays - Christmas, Call number: JE MAR

Anta, Julio

Summary: "As long as he remembers to stay smart and keep his eyes open, Mateo knows that he can survive the trek across the Sonoran Desert that will take him from Mexico to the United States. That is until he's caught by the Border Patrol only moments after sneaking across the fence in the dead of night. Escaping their clutches comes at a price and, lost in the desert without a guide or water, Mateo is...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: HarperAlley, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers 2023

Copies Available at Woodmere

1 available in Young Adult Graphic Novels, Call number: YA 741.5 ANT

Krulik, Nancy E.

Summary: A little girl waits with great anticipation all day until the sun sets and Hanukkah can begin.

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: 2021

Copies Available at Interlochen

1 available in Beginning Readers - New Reader (Green), Call number: JBR Green Krulik

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