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Environmental justice Standing Rock Indian Reservation (N.D. and S.D.) Environmental protection North Dakota Citizen participation Indian activists Standing Rock Indian Reservation (N.D. and S.D.) Indians of North America Land tenure Standing Rock Indian Reservation (N.D. and S.D.) Indians of North America Legal status, laws, etc United States History Indians of North America Standing Rock Indian Reservation (N.D. and S.D.) Politics and government Indians of North America United States Government relations History Petroleum pipelines Standing Rock Indian Reservation (N.D. and S.D.) Protest movements North Dakota Red Power movementFilter By Genres
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Environmental justice Standing Rock Indian Reservation (N.D. and S.D.) Environmental protection North Dakota Citizen participation Indian activists Standing Rock Indian Reservation (N.D. and S.D.) Indians of North America Land tenure Standing Rock Indian Reservation (N.D. and S.D.) Indians of North America Legal status, laws, etc United States History Indians of North America Standing Rock Indian Reservation (N.D. and S.D.) Politics and government Indians of North America United States Government relations History Petroleum pipelines Standing Rock Indian Reservation (N.D. and S.D.) Protest movements North Dakota Red Power movementFilter By Genres
bibliographyEstes, Nick
Summary: "In 2016, a small protest encampment at the Standing Rock reservation in North Dakota, initially established to block construction of the Dakota Access oil pipeline, grew to be the largest Indigenous protest movement in the twenty-first century, attracting tens of thousands of Indigenous and non-Native allies from around the world. Its slogan “Mni Wiconi”—Water Is Life—was about more than just...
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Publisher / Publication Date: Haymarket Books 2024
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Place a hold to request this item.Keeler, Jacqueline.
Summary: "Native young people and elders pray in sweat lodges at the Océti Sakówin camp, the North Dakota landscape outside blanketed in snow. In Oregon, white men and women in army surplus and western gear, some draped in the American flag, gather in the buildings of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge. The world witnessed two standoffs in 2016: the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe's protest against an oil pipeline...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Torrey House Press 2021