Dennis-Benn, Nicole
Summary: "In this radiant, highly anticipated debut, a cast of unforgettable women battle for independence while a maelstrom of change threatens their Jamaican village. Capturing the distinct rhythms of Jamaican life and dialect, Nicole Dennis- Benn pens a tender hymn to a world hidden among pristine beaches and the wide expanse of turquoise seas. At an opulent resort in Montego Bay, Margot hustles to...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Liveright Publishing Corporation 2016
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Summary: Receiving her long-coveted visa to America, Patsy leaves behind her family in Jamaica, only to discover that life as an undocumented immigrant is not what her best friend had described.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Liveright Publishing Corporation, a division of W.W. Norton & Company 2019