Summary: Once upon a time...Discover the magic of the popular fairy tale in this wonderful brain teaser for preschoolers. Can you help Little Red Riding Hood find the right path to her Grandma's house? Place Little Red Riding Hood, the house, and the trees on the game board and use the puzzle pieces to make a path to Grandma's house. Then you can play the game with the Wolf! But beware, he might get...
Format: three dimensional object
Publisher / Publication Date: Smart Toys and Games Inc. 2015
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Brown-Wood, JaNay
Summary: "When taking cornbread to Grandma, Mahogany encounters a hungry wolf and outsmarts him by cleverly hiding in the woods and using her sewing skills to trap him"--Provided by publisher.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Charlesbridge 2024
Copies Available at East Bay
1 available in Juvenile Easy, Call number: JE BROBlakley-Cartwright, Sarah.
Summary: Valerie is torn between Henry, who loves her, and the woodcutter, Peter, as her village is caught up in the return of the Wolf--no longer mollifed by monthly sacrifices--and the arrival of the inquistorial Wolf hunter.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Alfaguara 2011