Summary: The Madrigals live hidden in the mountains of Colombia, in a magical house, in a vibrant town, in a wondrous, charmed place called an Encanto. The magic of the Encanto has blessed every child in the family with a unique gift from super strength to the power to heal, every child except one, Mirabel. But when she discovers that the magic surrounding the Encanto is in danger, Mirabel decides that...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Disney 2022
Copies Available at East Bay
1 available in Juvenile Digital Video Disc, Call number: DVD JUV ENCCopies Available at Interlochen
1 available in Juvenile DVD, Call number: J DVD EncantoSummary: Be our guest at the enchanted 25th Anniversary celebration, a groundbreaking star in the legacy of animation and a new addition to the The Walt Disney Signature Collection. Cast a spell on your imagination and embark on an epic adventure with Belle, our brave and independent heroine, the Beast, who has the heart and soul of a prince, the music you'll never forget and all the fun characters you...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2016
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Family DVDs, Call number: DVD + BLU-RAY FAMILY BEACopies Available at Peninsula
1 available in Digital Video Disc, Call number: DVD BEA RATED GCopies Available at Kingsley
1 available in Digital Video Disc, Call number: DVD BeSummary: Halloweentown: Thanks to a visit from Grandmother Aggie, Marnie and her family's tradition of ignoring the Halloween holiday are about to change in the extreme. It seems that Marnie's mother Gwen has been hiding a big secret from her three children--all of them possess supernatural powers.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Walt Disney Home Entertainment 2005
Copies Available at Interlochen
1 available in Family DVDs, Call number: DVD Family Halloweentown 2005Summary: Clara is searching for the special key to unlock a box from her late mother. Inside that box is a priceless item that her mother left for her. During her godfather's yearly holiday party, Clara almost gets the key but it disappears. She embarks on a quest into a mysterious world which has four different realms: a snowflakes realm, flowers realm, sweets realm, and the challenging realm where the...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Buena Vista Home Entertainment 2019