Summary: At the crossroads of chemistry and medicine lie opportunities to eradicate disease. This program guides students through advances in biotechnology and genetic engineering that may lead to long-sought medical treatments and cures. Presenting the 19th-century development of aspirin as the first synthetic imitation of a naturally derived medicinal substance, the video demonstrates large-scale,...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2006
View online at AVOD
Summary: A frightening and often deadly affliction, sepsis is a result of the immune system overreacting to bacterial infection. This program thoroughly examines the cause of sepsis, its specific symptoms and effects, and the possibility of treatment and recovery if life support and antibiotics are administered in time. Describing how immunological defenses shift into overdrive to rid the blood stream...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2006
View online at AVOD
Summary: This eye-opening program delves into humanity's war with lethal microorganisms and viruses. Astoundingly detailed images by medical photographer Lennart Nilsson illuminate how microbes attack the body and how our immune systems defend it. Reenactments of remarkable medical discoveries-penicillin, blood groups, methods of malaria control, and the polio vaccine-are portrayed, and cutting-edge...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2006