
Summary: Ron's Gone Wrong is a computer-animated film set in a world where it's the norm to have B-Bots, digitally connected robot companions. Barney is a shy middle-schooler who is the last one in his city to finally get Ron, his B-Bot. Unfortunately, his "Best Friend Out of the Box" becomes a major pain, malfunctioning on a regular basis. Not knowing what else to do, Barney sets out to teach Ron about...

Format: moving image

Publisher / Publication Date: 2021

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Peirce, Lincoln

Summary: "Warning : Big Nate is back, and the whole school's on high alert. Can drama queen Dee Dee compete with Nate's down-and-dirty gossip gathering? Will Mrs. Godfrey lighten up when she learns that she and Nate share a common obsession? And what happens after Coach John wanders into the flight path of a Nate-powered projectile? In this brand-new collection of Big Nate comics, the self-styled King...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Andrews McMeel Publishing 2022

Copies Available at Peninsula

1 available in Juvenile Graphic Novels, Call number: JFIC PEI (graphic novel)

Peirce, Lincoln

Summary: "When you're a sixth-grade dynamo like Nate Wright, life comes at you fast. Whether it's a soccer ball to the head or another teacher tirade, surprises lurk around every corner. In the latest Big Nate collection, Nate's friends issue the ultimate insult: they point out all the ways he resembles his arch-nemesis, Gina. Nate also scores a new job as an intern at Klassic Komix, and his master plan...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Andrews McMeel Publishing 2021

Copies Available at Interlochen

1 available in Juvenile- Series, Call number: J Series Big Peirce

Peirce, Lincoln

Summary: "You can't win 'em all-- especially when you're slumping sixth-grader Nate Wright. Stuck in a cycle of misfortune, our hero finds an unlikely good luck charm... and suddenly, he can do no wrong! He finds a $20 bill, scores a C+ on his social studies test (nailed it!), and even lands a movie date with the captain of the cheer squad. But the high times can't last forever. Before long, Nate's epic...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Andrews McMeel Publishing 2023

Copies Available at Fife Lake

1 available in Juvenile Graphic Novels, Call number: J FIC PEI

Copies Available at Kingsley

2 available in Juvenile Graphic Novels, Call number: J GRAPHIC PEI

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