Summary: In 1968, Peace Corps veteran David Schickele enlisted his friend Paul Eyam Nzie Okpokam to star in a light-hearted drama about the adventures of a well-educated Nigerian immigrant in San Francisco. Using a docu-fictional style reminiscent of John Cassavetes' Shadows (1959), Bushman observes the foibles of late-1960s African American culture with an outsider's penetrating eye. The film morphs...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2024
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Drama DVDs, Call number: DVD DRAMA BUSAdichie, Chimamanda Ngozi
Summary: "A young woman from Nigeria leaves behind her home and her first love to start a new life in America, only to find her dreams are not all she expected"--
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Alfred A. Knopf 2013
Copies Available at Interlochen
1 available in Adult Fiction, Call number: Fiction Adichie 2013Okporo, Edafe
Summary: "A poignant, moving memoir and urgent call to action for immigration justice by a Nigerian asylee and global gay rights and immigration activist Edafe Okporo. On the eve of Edafe Okporo's twenty-sixth birthday, he was awoken to a violent mob outside his window in Abuja, Nigeria. The mob threatened his life after discovering the secret Edafe had been hiding for years -- that he is a gay man....
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Simon & Schuster 2022