Cooney, Ellen
Summary: "A young chaplain at a large medical center fears her "soul is broken," though she hasn't subscribed to any formal religion in years--she's far too busy tending to the souls of her patients to do anything about her own. But strange things happen over the course of a single night shift, and interactions with patients in various states of consciousness and with various relationships to...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Coffee House Press 2020
Copies Available at Interlochen
1 available in Adult Fiction, Call number: Fiction Cooney 2020Moore, Thomas
Contents: Caring for people, not just bodies -- The body is the soul -- The healing milieu -- The spirituality of medicine -- Bad news -- Health care: a job or a calling? -- Healing dreams and images -- The soul of a hospital -- Service to humanity -- Nurse Ratched and the Marquis de Sade -- The soul of food -- Respect for the body -- Healed by illness -- Nurturing the soul -- A practical guide for...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Hay House 2010