Summary: Once upon a time...Discover the magic of the popular fairy tale in this wonderful brain teaser for preschoolers. Can you help Little Red Riding Hood find the right path to her Grandma's house? Place Little Red Riding Hood, the house, and the trees on the game board and use the puzzle pieces to make a path to Grandma's house. Then you can play the game with the Wolf! But beware, he might get...
Format: three dimensional object
Publisher / Publication Date: Smart Toys and Games Inc. 2015
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West, Wallace
Summary: A smart and sassy boy in a red riding hood confronts a pushy wolf espousing gender norms.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Little, Brown and Company 2022
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Place a hold to request this item.Aclin, Justin
Summary: From the brilliant imagination of video game auteur American McGee comes a dazzling reenvisioning of Red Riding Hood set in the wondrous world of Japanese folklore! Justin Aclin and Vasilis Lolos take Kani--a young woman torn between two cultures--on an epic adventure battling devious yokai for the fate of her world!
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Dark Horse Books 2013