Summary: The fifth installment of Michael Wood's journey through Indian history moves on to the time of the Renaissance in Europe, when India was the richest, most populous civilization in the world. The major focus is on the history of the Mogul Empire, its legacy, and the rulers most readily associated with it: the redoubtable Babur, founder of the Mogul dynasty, and his grandson Akbar the Great. The...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2008
View online at AVOD
Summary: The second installment of Michael Wood's journey through Indian history covers the Age of Buddha, the incursions of the ancient Greeks, and the rule of Emperor Ashoka as they relate to the enduring power of Indian ideas. Drawing upon archaeology, living traditions, legends, and India's "Rosetta stone," Wood explores the imperishable principle of nonviolence and the tenets of Buddhism as he...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2008
View online at AVOD
Summary: This program featuring Michael Wood takes viewers to the India of the early centuries AD, a time that saw Indian civilization grow into a major participant in the first global economy as trade enriched it through contact and exchange. The rediscovered site of Rome's most significant trading port in India and a trip to Madurai, the ancient capital of South India, offer insights into the spice...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2008
View online at AVOD
Summary: At the time of the fall of the Roman Empire in the West and the Dark Ages that followed, India experienced a series of great flowerings of culture, both in the north and the south. In this program, Michael Wood shows viewers some of the amazing achievements of India during this time. Breakthroughs in astronomy and mathematics, mastery of wrought iron and bronze technologies, island conquests...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2008
View online at AVOD
Summary: This program looks at identity and the roots of India's famous "unity in diversity." Using all the tools available to the historical detective-archaeology, cultural anthropology, climatology, DNA research, and more-Michael Wood takes viewers to Kerala to witness surviving human sounds and rituals that predate spoken language; to a village in Tamil Nadu where everyone still bears the genetic...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2008
View online at AVOD
Summary: In this program, Michael Wood tells how a foreign multinational, Britain's East India Company, gradually and almost by chance took power over great swathes of the Indian subcontinent; how after the shock of the 1857 Sepoy Rebellion, the British state assumed total control over the country and transformed it into the Raj; and how the freedom movement, epitomized by Mahatma Gandhi, succeeded in...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2008