Summary: In his most achingly personal film to date, legendary Italian Filmmaker Marco Bellocchio uses the occasion of a family reunion in his hometown of Piacenza to excavate and discuss a traumatic event: the death of his twin brother Camillo, who committed suicide in the late '60s at age 29. Through detailed conversations with his siblings, archival footage providing context about 20th-century...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2022
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Documentary DVDs, Call number: DVD DOC MARSummary: Ici et ailleurs: In this meditation on how cinema records history, the filmmakers, members of the Dziga Vertov Group, contrast a French family's life with an impressionistic portrait of war in Palestine, as reflected through television, books, and other media.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Gaumont vidéo 2012
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Foreign DVDs, Call number: DVD FOREIGN HERSummary: Frank Skeffington, the political boss of a New England town, fights his last campaign. This flavorful melodrama is based on Edwin O'Connor's novel of politics, loosely patterned after the life of Boston's Mayor Curley.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: RCA/Columbia Pictures Home Video 1988