Summary: In this program, Dennis Wholey continues a dialogue on the role of religion and faith in contemporary American culture with spokespeople from the InterFaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington; Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good; the Washington Buddhist Peace Fellowship; the Islamic Society of North America; the Agudas Achim Conservative Jewish Congregation of Alexandria, Virginia; and...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2008
View online at AVOD
Summary: In this program, Dennis Wholey has a conversation about spiritualism with Lee Jones, founder of the Spiritualist Center in Los Angeles, California. Topics of discussion include the birth of spiritualism in the U.S. in 1848; spiritualism as a philosophy, a religion, and a science; the nature of life after death; the seance experience; anointed healings; and how to recognize an authentic...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2008
View online at AVOD
Summary: In this program, Dennis Wholey begins a dialogue on the role of religion and faith in contemporary American culture with spokespeople from the InterFaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington; Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good; the Washington Buddhist Peace Fellowship; the Islamic Society of North America; the Agudas Achim Conservative Jewish Congregation of Alexandria, Virginia; and...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2008
View online at AVOD
Summary: In this program, Dennis Wholey has a conversation about the African Methodist Episcopal Church with the Reverend Daryl B. Ingram of the Greater Bethel A.M.E. Church in Nashville, Tennessee. Topics of discussion include the birth and growth of the A.M.E. denomination, the meaning of "African Methodist Episcopal" in the context of the Church's name, and the Church's core beliefs as articulated in...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2008