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Gundam 2Filter By Genres
Action and adventure television programs. Adventure-Animation-Television series. Animated television programs. Fantasy television programs. Fantasy-Animation-Television series. Science fiction television programs. Science fiction-Animation-Television series. Teen television programs. Television programs. Youth-Animation-Television series.Filter By Series
Gundam 2Filter By Genres
Action and adventure television programs. Adventure-Animation-Television series. Animated television programs. Fantasy television programs. Fantasy-Animation-Television series. Science fiction television programs. Science fiction-Animation-Television series. Teen television programs. Television programs. Youth-Animation-Television series.Summary: Relena and Heero have come aboard the Libra in a last-ditch hope to talk some sense into Zechs, but he will not listen. Treize and his forces arrive, and Treize challenges Zechs to a one-on-one duel to decide the fate of the war, but Zechs refuses. Now the immense ships Libra and Peacmillion are on a collision course with one another, and the resulting collision could destroy all life on Earth....
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Bandai Entertainment 2006