
Lacey, Catherine

Summary: "In a small unnamed town in the American South, a church congregation arrives to a service and finds a figure asleep on a pew. The person is genderless, racially ambiguous, and refuses to speak. One family takes the strange visitor in and nicknames them Pew. As the town spends the week preparing for a mysterious Forgiveness Festival, Pew is shuttled from one household to the next. The earnest...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Farrar, Straus and Giroux 2020

Copies Available at Woodmere

2 available in Adult Fiction, Call number: FIC LAC

Johnson, Caleb (Caleb Rick)

Summary: "Wedged between the bluffs and the river for which it's named, there's a small and all-but-forgotten town. Janie Treeborne lives on an orchard at the edge of Elberta, Alabama, and in time, she has become its keeper. A place where conquistadors once walked, and where the peaches they left behind now grow, Elberta has seen fierce battles, violent storms, and frantic change--and when the town is...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Picador 2018

Copies Available at Woodmere

1 available in Adult Fiction, Call number: FIC JOH

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