Doiron, Paul
Summary: In this thrilling entry in Edgar Award finalist Paul Doiron's bestselling series, a deadly attack on one of Maine's last wild wolves leads Game Warden Mike Bowditch to an even bigger criminal conspiracy. While on vacation, Warden Investigator Mike Bowditch receives a strange summons from Billy Cronk, one of his oldest friends and a man he, reluctantly, had to put behind bars for murder. Billy...
Format: sound recording-nonmusical
Publisher / Publication Date: Findaway World, LLC 2019
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Place a hold to request this item.London, Jack
Summary: Novels and stories of the Alaskan Klondike express London's concerns with the struggle for survival, the reassertion of the primitive, and regeneration through conflict
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Literary Classics of the United States 1982