
Sellner, Jadah

Summary: "Author and business coach Jadah Sellner creates a new entrepreneurial model for women, centered around sustainable leadership--a framework they can use to create a business on their own terms, prioritize their wellbeing, and break free from the toxic culture that leads to burnout and overwhelm"--

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Publisher / Publication Date: Harper Business 2022

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Partow, Donna.

Summary: "Would you like to earn money in your own home? How about starting with your very own business consultant? Learn from Donna Partow, a 20-year home-based business owner and best-selling author. She's created an an extensive how-to guide for starting and maintaining a successful new business. Donna provides step-by-step instructions on determining what type of business is right for you, creating...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Tyndale House Publishers 2010

Copies Available at Woodmere

1 available in Adult Non-fiction, Call number: 658.0412 PAR

Kravetz, Stacy.

Summary: "Whether you already have an idea for a business or you're mulling how to turn the things you enjoy into a self-sustaining enterprise, this book will connect the dots. From inspiration to execution, there are concrete steps every young entrepreneur, creator, or leader needs to take, and this book shows you how. Packed with information and with the profiles of more than a dozen real-life girl...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Quercus 2017

Copies Available at Interlochen

1 available in JT Non-Fiction, Call number: JT Jobs Kravetz

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