
Marcus, Camilla

Summary: "Over 100 delicious, healthy recipes using regeneratively grown ingredients and sustainable techniques from the chef and founder of west-bourne When we honor the Earth, we nurture our own health-the true meaning of regeneration. By finding harmony between our soil and soul, we can make small yet impactful shifts in our cooking and lifestyle to support a healthier planet and the next generation....

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Chelsea Green Publishing 2024

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Summary: In the year 44 B.C., Julius Caesar has been assassinated and civil war threatens to destroy the Republic. In the void left by Caesar's demise, egos clash and numerous players jockey for position. The brutally ambitious Mark Antony attempts to solidify his power, aligning himself with Atia, but coming to blows with her cunning son Octavian, who has been anointed in Caesar's will as his only son...

Format: moving image

Publisher / Publication Date: HBO Home Video 2007

Copies Available at Woodmere

1 available in Television Series DVDs, Call number: DVD TV ROM

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