Waters, Alice
Summary: "From chef and food activist Alice Waters, an impassioned plea for a radical reconsideration of the way each and every one of us cooks and eats"--
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Penguin Press 2021
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Adult Non-fiction, Call number: 641.013 WATCopies Available at Kingsley
1 available in Adult Non-fiction, Call number: 641.013 WATWaters, Alice
Summary: An accessible collection of essays and recipes introduces the James Beard Award-winning author's philosophies about making one's own provisions using seasonal, organic and healthy artisanal foods. --Publsiher's description.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Pam Krauss Books 2015
Copies Available at Peninsula
1 available in Adult, Call number: 641.5944 WATWaters, Alice.
Summary: "For the hundreds of thousands of readers who bought Alice Waters's bestselling and now-classic book The Art of Simple Food, and for supporters of all ages of the sustainable food movement, here is a timely cookbook that centers on Alice's plant-forward way of cooking and puts forth her passion for seasonality and celebrating all vegetables. Alice Waters is the leader of the local, sustainable...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Random House Inc 2013
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Adult Non-fiction, Call number: 641.65 WATWaters, Alice.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: HarperCollins 2002
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Adult Non-fiction, Call number: 641.64 WATMarcus, Camilla
Summary: "Over 100 delicious, healthy recipes using regeneratively grown ingredients and sustainable techniques from the chef and founder of west-bourne When we honor the Earth, we nurture our own health-the true meaning of regeneration. By finding harmony between our soil and soul, we can make small yet impactful shifts in our cooking and lifestyle to support a healthier planet and the next generation....
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Chelsea Green Publishing 2024