You are requesting that your library account password be reset. After you submit this request, we will email you a link that you can use to set a new password for your account.
In order for this to be successful, you must provide either a valid library card number or a valid library username, and we must have a valid email address on file for your account.
The weather-a phenomenon clearly beyond human control!-is nevertheless a topic of fascination to people the world over. A combination of high-quality film footage and detailed animations, this collection of 48 video clips (30 seconds to 2 minutes ...
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Earth's Atmosphere, Introduction (0:47) -- The Atmosphere (0:56) -- Atmospheric Pressure (1:40) -- The Movement of Air Masses (1:23) -- Wind (1:39) -- Precipitation, Introduction (0:42) -- Humidity (1:35) -- Cloud Formation (1:18) -- Identifying C...
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