The prisoner

moving image The prisoner

One of the most challenging and though-provoking television series of all time, The Prisoner is the strange saga of a former government operative (Patrick McGoohan) sent to a twisted prison known as "the village." Known only as No. 6, he engages i... Read more
Vol. 1. Arrival ; (Alternate version of) The Chimes of Big Ben -- vol. 2. Free for all ; Dance of the dead -- vol. 3. Checkmate ; The chimes of Big Ben -- vol. 4. A, B and C ; The general -- vol. 5. The schizoid man ; Bernie Williams interview -- ... Read more
moving image
10 videodiscs (approximately 884 min.) : sound, color ; 4 3/4 in.
ITC Inc. 2001

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Woodmere (Main Branch) DVD BRITISH TV PRI in British Television Series DVDs Available
Woodmere (Main Branch) DVD BRITISH TV PRI in British Television Series DVDs Available

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