Summary: A series of unusual stories about chickens. Ranges from a woman who revived a chicken with CPR, a man who raises chickens for his own consumption, a woman who keeps a pet chicken, a group of suburbanites who banded together to stop a neighborhood rooster raiser, a headless rooster, and a man who's life changing experience comes when he sees one of his chickens protect her chicks from a hawk.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: PBS Home Video 2004
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1 available in E-TV DVDs, Call number: DVD E-TV NATCaughey, Melissa
Summary: Chickens make wonderful pets, and Melissa Caughey (author of the award-winning blog Tilly's Nest) provides all the information kids need to raise healthy chickens and have tons of fun doing it! Caughey shares her advice in an engaging way so that kids understand what it means to keep chickens and what kind of housing, food, equipment, and care the chickens will need to thrive. She also suggests...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Storey Publishing 2015
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Place a hold to request this item.Cawthray, Andy
Summary: The age-old question of which comes first is finally answered in Chicken and Egg! For the purposes of egg-centric chicken keepers, it’s the egg! A new approach to chicken keeping, Chicken and Egg is specifically geared toward hobby farmers and casual chicken keepers who wish to produce eggs of a particular color, flavor, and type. Whether the reader desires the delectable turquoise eggs of the...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: i-5 Publishing 2015
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1 available in Adult Non-fiction, Call number: 640 CAWThompson, Jennifer Trainer.
Summary: "Fresh-from-the-chicken eggs are nutritious and delicious, and the possibilities for preparing them are endless. Jennifer Trainer Thompson, a seasoned chicken-keeper, shares the recipes that she and her family rely on when fresh eggs are piling up. Also included are Jennifer's stories, observations, and lessons learned from ten years of raising funny, quirky, beautiful backyard chickens."--P....
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Storey Pub. 2012
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1 available in Adult Non-fiction, Call number: 641.675 THOHoward, Jules
Summary: Every egg there has ever been, is an emblem of survival. Yet the evolution of the animal egg is the dramatic subplot missing in many accounts of how life on Earth came to be. Quite simply, without this universal biological phenomenon, animals as we know them, including us, could not have evolved and flourished. In Infinite Life, zoology correspondent Jules Howard takes the reader on a...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Pegasus Books 2024
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1 available in New Non-fiction, Call number: 576.8 HOWJackson, Rob
Summary: In Into the Clear Blue Sky, climate scientist and chair of the Global Carbon Project Rob Jackson explains that we need to redefine our goals. As he argues here, we shouldn't only be trying to stabilize the Earth's temperature at some arbitrary value. Instead, we can restore the atmosphere itself in a lifetime--and this should be our moral duty. Restoring the atmosphere means reducing the amount...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Scribner 2024
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1 available in New Non-fiction, Call number: 363.739 JACSummary: Shows the fetal development of an elephant, a dolphin, and a dog from a common evolutionary root into dramatically diverse adult mammals.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: National Geographic 2007
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1 available in E-TV DVDs, Call number: DVD E-TV INKim, In-Sook
Summary: This book is about the two ways animals are born. Read the first part to learn about baby animals that hatch from eggs. Then flip the book and start reading again.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Big & SMALL, by arrangement with Aram Publishing 2017